ÆtherCzar: Best of September 2010

Vacation threw off the schedule a bit, but here’s the somewhat belated review of the top ten posts from the past month. If you’re new around here and want to see what the ÆtherCzar blog has to offer, the best posts of each month is a good place to start. Thanks to WP-Slimstat, I can now compile my best-of list based on page views from each post (and I will use the info to update the widget in the right sidebar). Here are the most popular posts at AetherCzar for September:

  1. The Joy of Antenna Engineering – My favorite post of the last month also turned out to be ÆtherCzar’s readers’ favorite, too. Inspired by Peter Massey’s On Being an Antenna Engineer, I tried to capture some of the fun and excitement of the work I do.
  2. Einstein’s Nobel Prize: Proving Cell Phones Can’t Cause Cancer – My discussion from August on the photoelectric effect and the supposed cell phone – cancer link continues to be well-viewed.
  3. RTLS: High Frequency Direction Finding (HF/DF) in WWII and Beyond– This is the final installment of my paper, “On the Origins of RF-Based Location,” to be presented at the 2011 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium.
  4. FCC Terminates UWB Docket-UWB Communications Products Emerging– The end of an era in ultra-wideband, perhaps the beginning of another?
  5. 50 Wireless Facts from the CTIA – Interesting factoids from the wireless industry’s trade association.
  6. Now THIS is Antenna Engineering: Spectacular Tower Climb! – The video of a 1768′ tower climb is still available here – for now – along with a great debate and discussion of safety concerns raised by the video.
  7. NFER® FLARE Firefighter Rescue Video Now Available – Video of Q-Track’s successful firefighter rescue in a realistic trial at the WPI PPL Workshop in August.
  8. ÆtherCzar: Best of August 2010 – Last month’s installment.
  9. Robert X. Cringely Visits RTLS Startup, Q-Track – My report on Bob Cringely’s visit to Q-Track as part of his Start-Up Tour.
  10. Sea Water Antenna– Video of a monopole antenna from a jet of sea water.

A few items that may have been overlooked:

On Memorial Day, I kicked off a series of posts to commemorate my grandfather, Paul Farnum, and his WWII experience. The posts follow him day-by-day waiting in England for deployment, crossing Utah beach a few days after D-Day, participating in the capture of Cherbourg which surrendered 27 June, 1944, and in the Third Army’s drive across France. He was mortally wounded by mortar fire 21 September, 1944 and died 24 September, 1944.

Toward the end of the month I began a series of book reviews by Robert Byrne with the post:  Engineer as Hero: The Novels of Robert Byrne. I’ve added individual reviews of The Dam and Thrill. More will be coming!

Finally, I discussed the case of the Biconical Antenna’s Three Inventors – a classic case of re-inventing a forty-year-old antenna design.