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Participating authors include Jocelynn Cordes, Pablo Villizzianto, Kit Sun Cheah and Misha Burnett, Jessica Marie Baumgartner, David Knox, and Travis J.I. Corcoran.
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Critical Musings From a Traditionalist : 26 Essays by Jocelynn Cordes (Author)
The essays in this modest collection cover a broad range of topics, from goal setting (and keeping) to the meaning of community; from our responsibility to be educated citizens to the imperative that we think for ourselves.
Some are politically neutral; others forge into politically charged territory.
But whether writing about Islam, diversity directives, or the inanities of “woke” culture, Cordes writes with impeccable skill and intelligence.
Pulp on Pulp: Tips and Tricks for Writing Pulp Fiction
edited by Kit Sun Cheah & Misha Burnett![Pulp on Pulp: Tips and Tricks for Writing Pulp Fiction by [Kit Sun Cheah, Misha Burnett, JD Cowan, Matthew P. Schmidt, James A. Buck, Morgon Newquist, Anthony Perconti, Robert Stultus, D. G. D. Davidson, Christopher Lansdown]]()
No. 1 New Release in: Words and Language Reference Authorship Authorship Reference
Write Fast. Write Well. Get Paid. These were the watchwords of old-school pulp fiction: fun, fast-paced, and immensely popular with readers. The pulp era is coming back. Blending timeless lessons from the grandmasters of the pulp era with the genres, tastes and technologies of today, PulpRev forges boldly ahead into the future of fiction. Hugo and Dragon Award nominated writer Kit Sun Cheah teams up with Misha Burnett to compile a selection of essays on the PulpRev aesthetic from some of the leading writers in the movement. Pulp on Pulp covers: * How to plot like a pulp grandmaster * How to write 5000 words a day * The secrets of writing fantastic fight scenes * Worldbuilding and character creation tips * And many more! PulpRev is the Revolution, Revival and the Renaissance of Pulp. Take the plunge into the new pulp era and become the best writer you can be!
Escape the City volume 1 (Escape the City: A How-To Homesteading Guide)
Travis J.I. Corcoran
Escape the City is the perfect guide for people who live in the city or suburbs and want to move to the country.
This is the “missing manual” that tells you absolutely everything you need to know on thousands of topics that you never even realized existed.
Whether you’re interested in shopping for a used tractor, starting garden seeds in a grow tent, logging your own trees, planting a berry patch, breeding sheep, arranging for firewood delivery, making ten gallons of hearty soup from a pig skeleton, installing solar electric power, or fighting invasive species, Escape the City has the information you need.
There are endless books on gardening, farming, and homesteading. Why this book?
* Other books don’t have sufficient breadth. EtC covers absolutely everything related to living in the country.
* Other books have blind spots about the basic stuff. EtC explains the “obvious” stuff: the difference between straw and hay, and between discing plowing and rototilling.
* Other books don’t spell out the details. EtC has checklists, choices for different budgets, and step by step instructions. Escape the City explains all of the basics – everything from buying a tractor to fertilizing gardens – and concludes with dozens of recipes for farm-to-table dishes like Apple Pie with lard crust, Maple Creme Brulee, Pork Stock, Duck Leg Confit, Pork and Pumpkin Soup, Lamb Chops, and even a Whole Pig Roast.
Normally $9.99, now only $0.99!
Reclaiming Femininity: Saving Women’s Traditions & Our Future
by Jessica Marie Baumgartner
Women are being replaced.
The Western world has embraced modern ideologies which not only destroy femininity and female heritage, but endanger girls and women with harmful rhetoric and life-styles.
“Reclaiming Femininity” displays female history and heritage with an emphasis on the positive role that femininity played for Western culture.
It goes further into detailing how women and girls can reclaim their positive impact moving forward.
A Case for Mary: An Orthodox Evangelism for Curious Protestants
by David Knox
Mary was a virgin, but did she stay a virgin after Jesus born?
Did she live a sinless life?
In his debut work, David Knox explores these and other questions that have become points of contention between Protestants and Orthodox Christians. Using scripture, history, culture, and linguistics, A Case for Mary shines a light on how, and more importantly why they may not be so unbelievable after all.
How to choose a false president: chronicle based in data, documents, and journalism Spanish edition here! by Pablo Villizzianto
This book is an in-depth investigation into the use of different methods by the most powerful states in the West in order to place their preferred candidates in the most important positions in the most relevant democratic countries that are in their areas of influence.
I particularly recommend it to politically interested Americans and right wing Brazilians who want self-government for their respective countries. Also, any other person who, like me, has a political involvement, or is influenced by politics, could benefit from reading this book.
About the Author:
Born in Buenos Aires in 1995, in 2022 I published my first book. It was about politics, which is a vice for me, detailing the dark side of liberalism in Argentina. Watching the Brazilian election of 2022, in the austral summer of 2023 I began to connect the dots, and I wrote a book detailing how the largest Western powers in “parceria” with the global left, managed to conquer the power in the second nation in the Western Hemisphere against the candidate (22).
I have 10 years of political experience, and a lifetime of affinity with the issue, from when I was a child, and I spoke with my maternal grandfather, who became a representative for Lomas de Zamora in the 60s.
I am a Vocal of the Autonomist Party for the period 2019-2023.
All the books I have written are extremely detailed and structured. All the affirmations are documented, I apply a global vision of the issues that I deal with, in addition to projecting the trends towards tomorrow.
El lado oscuro de los libertarios (Spanish Edition) by Pablo Villizzianto
Segun opiniones del ambito no liberal, tanto de derechas como de izquierdas, este libro es denso en informacion. Incluye, sin limitarse a ello, al financiamiento de las embajadas britanica, estadounidense, alemana y holandesa para con el ambito liberal en argentina. Por ejemplo, pagina 120, el jefe de gobierno porteño, tiene como su jefa de asesores a la presidente del cippec, este, en sus balances del 2017, en la seccion cippec en el mundo, se explaya de como trabajan con 3 de las 4 embajadas mencionadas antes, en “…fortalecimiento del congreso…” Este libro incluye el financiamiento de empresarios estadounidenses y britanicos al ambito liberal en Argentina, por ejemplo, del conglomerado industrial Koch. Como ya has podido ver, no se limita a los libertarios locales, sino que penetra en el funcionamiento del ambito liberal. Sin limitarse a lo anterior, incluye el desarrollo del argumento liberal, y de la practica historica del liberalismo asi como del conservadurismo britanico, de la esclavitud. Filosofos liberales, hechos historicos, y atrocidades contemporaneas, nos muestran cuales son sus verdaderos colores, y prueban terminantemente como su predica es un mero chamuyo para acceder a los recursos publicos. Tambien pruebo como lo que mencionaron ellos, del libre comercio de organos, y luego de niños, es un punto comun en su ambito, al punto de que un periodista de infobae, perfil y otros escribio publicamente en su apoyo. Capitulo 3 muestro, en 71 carillas, el caso historico que continua al presente, de discriminacion y odio de caracter etnico, racial y de clase para con el resto de la sociedad. Lo de arriba son solamente 3 de 20 capitulos, el 5, 2 y 3. Todo el libro esta pesadamente documentado. Es tremendamente rico en citas de autores, comunmente filosofos reconocidos, prominentes politicos, periodistas, magisters, doctores en ciencias. Hasta ahora, una persona que ha publicado una variedad de libros, y que da clases en Maestrias, me ha dicho que es un argumento complejo, que no es un libro para cualquiera. No ha sido el unico, y es algo que esta por verse. Pueden escuchar dos entrevistas de 1 hora, donde trato parte de lo anterior en más detalle, en y en Una aclaración, es que en la 1° edicion para Amazon, expandi el indice, y agregue un parrafo, asi que tiene entre 1 o 2 carillas más que la 1° edicion en papel