The Hidden Truth: A Call to Arms

HiddenTruthFeatureTired of all the whining and moaning about politics? Are you feeling depressed and discouraged? Do you realize that politics is a derivative of culture? Are you willing to spend a few hours actually doing something about it?

Imagine how much better you’ll feel once you’ve accomplished something concrete that could make a difference.

Interested? Want to get a free book out of it as well? Please read on. You probably value your time as much as I value mine. I have a wife and four children, I’m a co-founder and principal in a small business, and I’m the principal investigator on three different research projects. I’m awfully busy myself, and I wouldn’t have taken the time away from my family, my business, and my research to write The Hidden Truth if I didn’t think it was important. What I hope you’ll ultimately discover is that The Hidden Truth presents a powerfully anti-collectivist message that deserves the widest possible audience, particularly given the current state of affairs.

It comes as a surprise to me, but marketing a book turns out to be every bit as much work as actually writing it. No matter how good a book is, if it doesn’t hit with a splash, it doesn’t go anywhere on Amazon. Conversely, if it launches with a couple dozen good reviews and inspires additional readers to purchase it and write more reviews, a good book can really go far. And unlike writing, which is largely a solitary effort, marketing requires assembling an army of allies to join in a crusade. It simply can’t be done single-handed. I need your help.

Many of my friends have read my book and provided much appreciated feedback in private. Now’s the time to share your opinion with the world. Please post a few sentences or more – if you feel inspired – to Facebook this Wednesday May 11. If you simply can’t make it Wednesday, that’s OK – a few stragglers will help continue the ball rolling. Please do something as soon as you can find the time. I’ll consolidate and re-post the reviews on my blog.

The paperback edition will be available on Amazon starting Friday May 13. The suggested retail price is $13.99.

When the book is available, I would like you to go to Amazon and post a review. I value your honest opinion. Amazon has strict policies regarding solicited reviews, so you must disclose that you received a free copy of the book. Add this disclosure to the bottom of your review: “Note: I received a free copy of the book, provided by the author.” Of course, if you want to go ahead and purchase the book anyway, please do so.

Haven’t read my book yet? The first five chapters are already available online, and chapter 6 posts this week on Wednesday. Take a look. If you are interested in reading the rest, let me know. I’ll send you a pre-release pdf of the book, or if you know your Kindle email, I’ll send a copy to you there. Take a look, and let the world know what you think.

Here’s the deal:

I will be delighted to send a complimentary paperback copy of The Hidden Truth, signed by the author, to anyone who posts a review to Amazon. This offer will only remain open for a limited time (about a month) and for a limited number of copies – certainly not more than one hundred.

The Kindle edition ($3.99) is where I hope to get my volume sales and all the paperback reviews will carry over when I release it on June 1.

Again, I appreciate your time and I deeply value your assistance in spreading my message.