Super Summer Book Sale

Every title $0.99 or free!

Final total: 1463 Kindle Free E-books and 2187 Kindle Paid E-Books. Thanks for participating. Our next sale will be September 7-13.

Some complain about the culture. Others do something about it.

Support non-woke authors and get yourself some great books from both established and emerging talent for only $0.99 – many titles free! It’s a sale too big for just one blog post, three sales in one!

Fan Favorites: These are some of the most popular titles from previous sales. This is a great place to start, if you’ve never been to a sale before, or if you want to be sure you haven’t overlooked a great deal.

New Additions: These are new releases and other books that we have not previously featured in a sale. If you’ve been to the sale before, this is a great place to start for some fresh reads.

Terror House Press: The folks at Terror House Press also have over 30 e-books on sale for $0.99, spanning fantasy, science fiction, poetry, literary nonfiction, and many other genres!

Buy $15 in ebooks, get $5 credit! Check out this deal from Amazon.

Finally, stop by Upstream Reviews for daily deals and reviews on great science fiction, adventure, and fantasy.

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