Initiatives Magazine had a nice article about my company, Q-Track, and the many applications of our Near-Field Electromagnetic Ranging (NFER®) Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS).
Coincidentally, an older article from Technology Alabama also recently became available online:
In an all-too-familiar story in the Huntsville area, a technology — which was practiced in the garage and tested in the driveway in 2002 — has grown into a great business.
In early April [2009], Q-Track received FCC approval for the first real-time location system (RTLS) based on NFER technology, which the company considers a fundamental breakthrough in indoor wireless tracking. In late April, the system was commercially debuted at the 2009 RFID Journal Live Conference, and it was recognized as a finalist for the “Best in Show” award.
Q-Track’s system utilizes tag transmitters, locator-receivers, a location server, and core tracking software, and operates under Part 15 power levels in the AM broadcast band (-1MHz), where the long wavelengths have superior propagation in cluttered, difficult industrial settings.
More exciting projects are in the works.