Given a decent view of the sky, a GPS receiver can determine your latitude and longitude to a high degree of accuracy as good as a meter or so. But what if the latitude and longitude themselves are in error? That’s the problem faced by the continent of Australia. Every […]
The ÆtherCzar Blog
This is an amazing video showing the creation of Lichtenberg figures burned into wood. This is very dangerous, if you’re not used to dealing with high voltage. Don’t try this at home.
More great links from the AetherCzar Blogroll: UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS TO COMMEMORATE 1966 SNIPER ATTACK: 50 years ago on August 1. This will be a memo… July 29, 2016 – Instapundit A Very Old War July 28, 2016 – According to Hoyt [Off Topic] Hsieh Forbes Column: ‘Single Payer’ Healthcare […]
Wednesday, actor and talk show host, Jerry Doyle, died at age 60. Perhaps best known for his iconic role as Mr. Garibaldi on the epic science fiction show, Babylon 5, Doyle had a colorful and fascinating career. Previously a corporate jet pilot and after a decade as a stockbroker on […]
Steven Dufresne at Hackaday has another great piece up on the history of the capacitor, from the spark gap days, to the present. One such practical use was in Marconi’s wireless spark-gap transmitters starting just before 1900 and into the first and second decade. The transmitters built up a high […]
There’s a new browser in town: Brave. It’s in beta release, so I downloaded it to try it out. The business model is fascinating. Brave pledges to strip malicious or tracking advertisements from the websites you browse and replace them with different ads. Participating websites would get a piece of […]
The second printing of The Hidden Truth will be released later this week. I corrected a dozen or so typos discovered by my readers (thanks!). The Kindle edition ought to be released later today. If you delete your version and then reload it, you should have the updated second printing. There […]
Latest great links from the AetherCzar Blogroll: The Future Of Transistors July 26, 2016 – GeekPress Bungling, Inc.: Yahoo Sold to Verizon July 26, 2016 – The Other McCain The Paradox of Productivity July 25, 2016 – RealClearFuture It Goes By Itself July 25, 2016 – According to Hoyt Clinton […]
I just had to share this remarkable optical illusion. The video shows real objects that look like square cylinders from one perspective and like circular cylinders from the other. Interested in how it works? Here’s another video revealing the secret of this clever design.
The Apollo 11 moon landing was a much more dramatic affair than might be inferred from the calmly professional dialogue between the astronauts and Mission Control. Neil Armstrong (1930-2012), piloting the lunar module, Eagle, saw the auto-pilot aiming Eagle toward a boulder-strewn field adjacent to a large crater. “Certainly not […]
Ken Holder, writing in L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise, offers a rave review for The Hidden Truth: Rave Review—Run right out and buy this book! by Ken Holder I read a lot. And a lot of books are okay reading, if I get them for free or for a […]
Another busy week, and more great links from the AetherCzar Blogroll: QUANTUM EFFECTS IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND THE SENSE OF SMELL?: Photosynthesis works very well — almost … July 18, 2016 – Instapundit Built to Fail: Is This System Destined to Take Over the Earth? July 18, 2016 – al fin […]
This morning brings news that 5D Robotics of Carlsbad, California has acquired Huntsville-Alabama based ultrawideband (UWB) pioneer, Time Domain Corporation. Time Domain President, Rachel Reinhardt, writes: 5D has been a long-standing customer of Time Domain. We have worked closely and developed a cultural affinity and mutual respect for one another […]
Some exciting news from Monetary Metals! They’ve teamed with Valaurum – makers of ingenious gold-impregnated certificates that allow you to own and trade small amounts of gold. Monetary Metal has funded a gold-fixed income deal to finance the working inventory of gold needed by Valaurum for their business. Here’s Friday’s […]
Steven Dufresne at Hackaday has a great piece up on the history of the capacitor: “The history of capacitors starts in the pioneering days of electricity. I liken it to the pioneering days of aviation when you made your own planes out of wood and canvas and struggled to leap […]
YASIV is a visual recommendation service that helps people find the right product from Amazon’s catalog by examining the connection to related products, as determined by common purchases. A link between the two products means that they are often bought together. By simply observing the network of products one can […]
The folks at Microwaves101 have been working with Bharath, a student in India, on an interactive Smith chart. They to add it permanently to Microwaves101. The temporary version is here: Please take a look and post comments on what could be done to make this a more useful tool.
I’m thrilled and honored my readers have compared my science fiction techno-thriller, The Hidden Truth, to the likes of Robert Heinlein, Jerry Pournelle, and Orson Scott Card. Here’s a collection of some recent reviews. And thanks again to Paul Hsieh and Glenn Reynolds for introducing my novel to so many […]
The latest highlights from the AetherCzar Blogroll: Still More Shipping Reports July 12, 2016 – The Arts Mechanical Secret Apartments of NY Libraries July 12, 2016 – Geek Press Living Atlas Shrugged in Venezuela July 12, 2016 – Coyote Blog WRONGFANS UNITE! Only a week left to nominate for the […]
Over the weekend, Drudge linked to this sensational click-bait article from the Daily Mail (click image for link): Can all of storytelling be broken down into six and only six basic classifications? Are there secret story structures that will enhance the success and popularity of an author’s narrative? The answers […]
Simon Ramon (1913-2016) died June 27, in Santa Monica, California. The 103-year-old left behind a legacy of RF, intellectual, and business achievement. A pioneer in the development of microwave and radar technology, he was the “R” in TRW, a predecessor of which he co-founded in 1953. Ramo became the architect […]
In honor of Nikola Tesla’s 160th birthday, yesterday, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) put together some interesting facts about his life. Click through for more!