I regret being too busy to keep better track of the amazing quantity of fantastic science fiction from the last year. There’s a wealth of great material out there, though, and by selecting the works you found of particular value, you can help bring them to the attention of other […]
The ÆtherCzar Blog
Microsoft Word can analyze a document for readability. You can access this feature through the menu path File> Options> Proofing> Show Readability Statistics. Then you have to suffer through a complete spelling and grammar scan of your document before you get rewarded with feedback at the end of the process. […]
I managed to get A Rambling Wreck completed in time for a launch at LibertyCon on July 1, but that left no time for blog updates. I’ve updated my website with a page dedicated to A Rambling Wreck. The initial sales have been strong, and the reviews favorable. I’ll publish […]
I’m taking a moment away from working on my draft of A Rambling Wreck to share with you the latest Amazon review of The Hidden Truth, courtesy of Steve D. Poling: If Al Gore Had Won Steve D. Poling My first impression of The Hidden Truth was how much it reminded […]
I will visit Virginia Tech on Monday March 13th to give an EM seminar on “Energy Flow in Reactive Fields” at 1:00PM in the Whittemore 654 conference room. Slides: https://prezi.com/f_2md1molwhp Abstract: Energy Flow in Reactive Fields Conventional wisdom treats radiation as a transverse kink in a field line and classifies the “near […]
As you will have noticed, I’ve suspended blogging to work on other projects. I’ve spent my blogging time scouting instead. I will be a den leader and complete my “Wood Badge” ticket in the coming year. A wise friend, vigilante author Robert Bidinotto (whose vigilante thrillers you ought to check […]
The Hidden Truth has earned some great reviews. Here’s one of the latest: All fun aside, this book has a more serious purpose … By Amazon Customer on October 16, 2016 What an enjoyable read! Hans’s story pulls you in and won’t let you go until the end. I was […]
It’s time for the October Booknado from the Conservative Libertarian Fiction Alliance! The organizers even let me in again with my book on the biographies of John Charles Fremont, but I wouldn’t hold that against their other outstanding selections! Best of all, when you buy using these links, you support […]
A few reasons why you should come back daily to check out the ÆtherCzar Blogroll: 3-Parent Baby September 28, 2016 – Geek Press THE UNIVERSITY ENDS ITS INVESTIGATION: “In short, no disciplinary action will be taken against Prof… September 28, 2016 – Instapundit I Score the First Debate September 27, […]
It’s time for the September Booknado from the Conservative Libertarian Fiction Alliance! I haven’t read all of these but I was impressed with last month’s selections – including The Hidden Truth! Best of all, when you buy using these links, you support CLFA through the Amazon affiliate program: NEW RELEASES […]
In 2002, astronomers noted that the Earth acquired a new “moon,” dubbed J002E3. Such orbits are unstable in the long run, due to the likelihood of interactions with the Earth and Moon perturbing the orbit of such a small object. As observational data continued to accumulate, it became obvious that […]
A couple of weeks ago, I traveled to the UK to attend the Logistics Research Network Conference and present some talks. One, presented at the James Clerk Maxwell Institute and Newcastle University, explained my ideas on energy in reactive fields. The kind folks at Newcastle University have posted a video […]
Latest great links from the ÆtherCzar Blogroll: Eddie Braun successfully jumped the Snake River Canyon September 18, 2016 – Next Big Future Readers can submit questions for Randell Mills of Brilliant Light Power September 18, 2016 – Next Big Future An Embarrassment of Books- Freerange Oyster September 17, 2016 – […]
I’m speaking at 9:45 this morning at the 21st LRN Annual Conference and PhD Workshop, sponsored by the Logistics Institute at the Wilberforce Building on the campus of the University of Hull. My topic is “Low Frequency Real-Time Location for Logistics and Other Applications.” My slides follow:
The Communications Research Group at the University of Hull graciously invited me to speak on the subject of “Near-Field Wireless Technology.” My hosts inform me that the seminar will start with refreshments, posters and informal discussion from 2.00pm with a 2.30pm start for the main seminar. We should finish about […]
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne holds a key place in electromagnetic history. Founded in 1793, the “Lit & Phil,” or Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle, is the largest independent library in the UK outside London, housing over 160,000 books. It was at the Lit & Phil that a humble telegrapher, Oliver Heaviside, first […]
This morning, I will present a talk, Energy Flow in Reactive Fields, at Newcastle University, hosted by the Newcastle Electromagnetics Interest Group. I’m scheduled for 11am to 1pm at The Buttery, Merz Court, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Here’s the official flyer:Here are my slides: And here’s my abstract: […]
Today, I will be visiting the James Clerk Maxwell Foundation in Edinburgh. The foundation occupies the Edinburgh house on India street in which Maxwell was born in 1831. The foundation’s objectives are: To provide in the birthplace an attractive and stimulating environment for the mathematicians, scientists and engineers from all […]
It’s like Conan the Barbarian meets Dilbert. Conan hurled the severed head into the center of the room. “A warning to anyone else who tells me I have a case of the Mondays!” he roared. — Conan the Salaryman (@ConanSalaryman) August 29, 2016 Every workday, Conan The Salaryman provides status […]
The latest great links from the ÆtherCzar Blogroll: The “Secret Sauce” Of The Byzantine Empire: Stable Currency, Social Mobility September 1, 2016 – Zero Hedge Solar, Space, and Geomagnetic Weather, Part III By Stephanie Osborn September 1, 2016 – According to Hoyt 7 Biggest Problems Facing Science September 1, 2016 […]
Latest great links from the ÆtherCzar Blogroll: Bad Internet Predictions August 29, 2016 – GeekPress USSR Moonshot August 29, 2016 – GeekPress Our Biggest Threats Now Come from Technology August 29, 2016 – RealClearFuture Nordic Nations Show How Welfare and Redistribution Weaken the Human Spirit August 27, 2016 – International […]
I tried my hand at generating an animated GIF to promote The Hidden Truth using makeagif.com, incorporating a few of the more recent positive review comments. Here’s the result:
Two more excellent five-star reviews have been posted on Amazon in the past week. Here’s one of them: A book to make you think about online security, privacy and anonymity This is a great story with a nice McGuffin and a slightly disturbing take on modern liberalism/progressivism/statism but the real […]
Sometimes I run into interesting nuggets of history that I want to pass on, but I don’t have enough insightful commentary of my own to add to justify a separate blog post. In this post I’ll list a few items I’ve found: Another great piece from Steven Dufresne at Hackaday, […]