It was a busy week to have been out on vacation. Here are some RTLS and Location-Based Services links to help get caught up: My employer, NFER® RTLS vendor Q-Track, unveiled an updated website, took second place in the Global Security Challenge, West Coast Final, and was featured in RFID […]
The ÆtherCzar Blog
Vacation threw off the schedule a bit, but here’s the somewhat belated review of the top ten posts from the past month. If you’re new around here and want to see what the ÆtherCzar blog has to offer, the best posts of each month is a good place to start. […]
The Czarina and I are on vacation this week with our two girls – her folks are looking after the boys while we’re gone. New Orleans is really quite kid friendly. I’ll do a post or two when we get back.
[iframe:src=”″ frameborder=”0″ width=”120px” height=”240px” scrolling=”no”] Junior (1994) Comedy 110 min. Dir: Ivan Reitman Stars:Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emma Thompson, Danny DeVito Blurb: When his funding is cut off and his lab is taken over by another researcher (Thompson), a scientist (Schwarzenegger) resorts to testing a new drug he has devised to ensure […]
A young engineer applies innovative analysis to determine that a dam designed by his firm’s most senior engineer is in imminent danger of collapse and then must take matters into his own hands when his findings are ignored. Robert Byrne’s The Dam (1981) pits the analysis of a brilliant but […]
A hilarious parody of science reporting from the Guardian’s Martin Robbins: This is a news website article about a scientific finding
Are you calling 911 on your cell phone because you need emergency assistance? Your cell phone provider has to be able to locate your phone to aid emergency responders in finding you. The current standard, Wireless Enhanced 911 or ‘E911″ Phase 1, requires cell phone providers to be able to […]
After a famous wooden roller coaster injures passengers with the violence of the ride, an engineer hired to evaluate new safety modifications must analyze and diagnose a disturbing series of malfunctions before the grand re-opening. Thrill features an engaging cast of characters: the stalwart and straightlaced midwestern engineer, the mad […]
Periodically, I like to pass on interesting items that don’t warrant stand-alone posts. Here’s today’s list: ThingMagic continues their series on 100 innovative uses of RFID technology in 100 days at Where, Inc., a location-based ad network, buys Local Ginger. More from the NYT. The Location-Based Services (LBS) market […]
Few novels capture the drama, the passion, and the excitement of engineering. To do justice to the subject, the author must be conversant with engineering science and practice. In addition, the author must write with sufficient power and clarity to make the relevant technical details clear to a non-technical audience […]
[iframe:src=”” frameborder=”0″ width=”120px” height=”240px” scrolling=”no”] The Fugitive (1993) Action/Drama 131 min. Dir: Andrew Davis Stars: Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Sela Ward, Joe Pantliano, Andreas Katsulis, Jeroen Krabbe Blurb: Wrongly convicted of murdering his wife (Ward), a doctor (Ford) escapes and seeks to clear his name while evading a dedicated […]
On 24 September, 1944 Operation Market Garden was capturing attention, as the Allies attempted to capture the “bridge too far” at Arnhem. Also that day, my grandfather, Paul Farnum, died at the 32nd Evac. Hospital of wounds received 21 September in the fighting for Luneville. He was buried at U.S. […]
Here are some updates: Not only does Steve Crowley have his monthly review of experimental license applications at the FCC, he also draws attention to a review of the proportion of lawyers, economists, and engineers at the FCC compared to other country’s telecommunications regulatory bodies. MP Antenna partners with TESSCO […]
Some Georgia Tech and University of Washington researchers have developed a scheme to use home wiring as an antenna for low power sensors operating at 27MHz. Patel’s team has devised a way to use copper electrical wiring as a giant antenna to receive wireless signals at a set frequency. A […]
The 1st and 3rd Battalions were ordered to attack in the vicinity of the railroad overpass and to clear out resistance in houses beyond the overpass. At noon, the defence of Luneville was put in the hands of the 313th Regiment. Acknowledging the severe resistance of the enemy, the 315th […]
In 1898, Sir Oliver Lodge (1851-1940) patented the first syntonic or tuned radio system. Ironically, the very patent that inaugurated this fundamental concept of narrow-band, frequency-domain radio also disclosed some of the first ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas: As charged surfaces or capacity areas, spheres or square plates or any other metal […]
By midnight a treadway bridge has been constructed across the river at Lamath. Except for occasional enemy fire, the night was quiet. At 13:30 the Regiment moved out of Germaniel. No enemy contact was encountered by the column on the march to Luneville. The 1st Battalion was ordered to proceed […]
This piece from Popular Mechanics on the evolution and development of the Leatherman Tool inspired me to draft this post about the evolution of one of my UWB antenna designs from conception, through prototyping, and finally to production. This paper describes the end result, and the design is covered in […]
Traveling through Charmes, Einvaux, etc. the 313th Regiment arrived in the vicinity of Landecourt about 04:00, today 19 September, 1944. At 07:00, the 1st Battalion was ordered to attack west to the highground just west of the Meurthe River. The 1st Battalion encountered enemy fire, but captured the high ground […]
[iframe:src=”” frameborder=”0″ width=”120px” height=”240px” scrolling=”no”] Things to Come B&W (1936) Drama 100 min. Dir: William Cameron Menzies Stars: Raymond Massey, Edward Chapman, Ralph Richardson, Margaretta Scott. Blurb: A secret society of engineers seeks to build a utopia in the wake of a 1940 war that leaves both England and its […]
The 313th Regiment has been in Division reserve for 3 days. This afternoon, 18 September, 1944, the USO with Bing Crosby put on a show. During the performance, the 313th was ordered to prepare to move. At 18:30, the Regiment was motorized and moved out.
Radioactive decay rates are generally thought to be invariant constants of nature. Some minor temperature dependent effects have been observed, but even those remain elusive. Now however, researchers at Purdue and elsewhere argue that they have detected solar influences on radioactive decay rates. They claim the decay rates of certain […]
Technically this is more about antenna maintenance than design and engineering, but let’s not quibble. The video embedded below shows climbers ascending a 1768 ft antenna tower explaining the features of the antenna design. I feel acrophobic just watching it. But talk about a workplace with a view – in […]
The Ideal Scientific Equipment Company, of course! With an inventory including magnetic monopoles, frictionless planes, inertialess pulleys, and more, textbook results can finally be guaranteed for most any physics experiment.