The surrender ultimatum expired without word from the German commander of Cherbourg. Allied troops withdrew 1000 yards from the front and today, 22 June 1944, at 12:40, the Air Forces began an 8 minute attack on the German first-line positions. The 313th was to continue along the Valognes-Cherbourg highway jumping […]
Yearly Archives: 2010
Communications may have been the first commercial application of wireless technology, but Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) were close behind. In the first few years of radio, a variety of aggressive inventors recognized the problem of RTLS and leaped to offer solutions. Some of their ideas illustrated the inventors’ misunderstanding of […]
Yesterday, 20 June, 1944 at Delasse, the 313th Regiment made contact with the German fixed defenses around Cherbourg. Throughout last night and today (21 June, 1944), patrols were sent out to feel out the enemy’s strength and to attempt to find weak spots in the line. The bulk of the […]
I’ve long wondered if the modial interaction of magneto-reluctance and capacitive directance might have practical application for energy conversion on long duration space missions. Now, an inventor claims to have actually reduced this to practice in in a conventional automotive transmission application! The inventor calls it a “Turbo Encabulator.” I […]
The 315th Regiment struggled yesterday 19 June, 1944 due to scattered resistance around the town of Valogne, so General Wyche decided to leave the 315th where it was, containing the east flank. He ordered the 314th Regiment, which had been the division’s reserve, to join the Paul Farnum’s 313th Regiment […]
Wes Michaels turned 58 this past Thursday, but didn’t celebrate his birthday. He and his family were going to commemorate Wes’s birthday in conjunction with Fathers’ Day, today. Now that’s not going to happen either. On Thursday a tornado ripped through the gas station Wes owned in Mentor, MN. He […]
…and 23 other key phrases that should make you think twice before hitting the send button. See the NPR article via SpamNotes. Hat Tip: Overlawyered.
[iframe: src=”” frameborder=”0″ width=”120px” height=”240px” scrolling=”no”] The Big Country (1958) Drama/Romance/Western 165 min. Dir: William Wyler Stars: Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons, Carroll Baker, Charlton Heston, Burl Ives, Charles Bickford Blurb: An eastern sea captain (Peck) navigates an independent course in a range war involving the father (Bickford) of his fiancee […]
The 313th Regiment Objective is the high ground west and northwest of Valognes, on the road to Cherbourg. Paul Farnum’s First Battalion forms the left of the 313th’s advance, the Third Battalion is on the right, with the Second Battalion in reserve. Support provided by artillery fires from the 314th, […]
From the “everything old is new again” department comes Tom Standage’s The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s On-line Pioneers. Standage tells the story (familiar to students of electromagnetic history) of the development of the telegraph. Starting with the famous 1746 experiment of Jean-Antoine […]
Today, 18 June 1944, the 9th Division broke through German resistance to the west and reaches the coast at Barneville. This completes the immediate strategic goal of cutting off Cherbourg from reinforcement. The Allied plan is for the 79th to relieve the 90th Division. Then the 79th Division will drive […]
Here’s a selection of some of the most interesting features we’ve seen on the Internet this week: Physicist Frank Tipler observes that a couple of the most prominent physicists – including Einstein and Feynman – owe their success not so much to raw intelligence or “brightness,” but rather to an […]
Last month, I discussed the curious case of the recycled glass that wasn’t. It seems the Huntsville City Council let a contract out to Allied Waste, paying them $2.3M per year to run the City’s recycling program. Recyclers painstakingly washed and cleaned their glass and made special trips to lovingly […]
The 313th Regiment was alerted today, 16 June 1944, for a possible move to meet a German counterattack, with an alternative mission to take over a large hill in the area of the 82nd to the south. Orders did not arrive.
An amazing infographic on incredible range of conditions at various altitudes, from the highest jet liners to the deepest ocean trenches.
One of the pioneers in ultra-wideband (UWB) real-time location systems (RTLS) is Æther Wire and Location, Inc. In the Æther Wire approach, an antenna differentiates current pulses so as to yield equal and opposite impulses time-spaced according to the duration of the current impulse. This produces a time varying series […]
Most of the remaining motor equipment came ashore today, was de-waterproofed, and joined their respective units. The 313th regiment is now nearly complete, lacking only 500 men, a field kitchen, and some equipment left behind in England.
Over at TechCrunch, Michael Arrington discusses his disillusionment with politicians who seem determined to “help” high-tech entrepreneurship in ways virtually certain to hurt instead: Silicon Valley has fueled much of the growth in our economy over the last few decades and has created amazing (and highly profitable) companies that are […]
I’m taking a moment this morning to share some good news from my Q-Track colleagues. Q-Track’s Dosimulation™ System was the focus of the “Nuclear Training Process Award” bestowed by the Nuclear Energy Institute. Dosimulation™ Systems provide realistic radiation training for routine maintenance tasks to be performed within nuclear power facility […]
Today, 14 June 1944, the 79th Infantry Division and the 313th Infantry Regiment land on Utah beach, beginning about 4 p.m. The beach has been cleared of enemy opposition, however sounds of enemy shelling and bombing echo in the distance. The units start inland along the main road towards Sébeville, […]
A quick two minute satirical video to help you understand the European economic crisis: deadpan and utterly hilarious! Hat tip: Devil’s Knife.
“Static, like the poor, will always be with us,” radio engineer John Carson famously quipped in the 1920s. The crackles, pops, and hiss on the AM radio band were thought to be an inevitable part of radio technology. Then along came Edwin Howard Armstrong who invented wideband frequency modulation or […]
The Air Force launched a satellite with hyperspectral imaging capabilities this weekend, according to Popular Science. Hat Tip: Glenn Reynolds.