The soldiers of the 79th Division learn that D-Day has finally arrived.
Earlier today, 6 June, 1944, the 4th Division, a sister division to the 79th Division in VII Corps, landed on “Utah” beach more than a mile south of the originally planned location. “We’ll start the war from right here,” General Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. reportedly ordered. The 4th Division captured the beach and moved inland to establish a beach head.
Rommel and other German commanders were convinced the Allies would attack with a high tide at dawn. The Allies instead attacked at a low tide in weather so poor the Germans doubted an attack was feasible. To learn more, I recommend Stephen Ambrose’s excellent D-Day: June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II.

The troops of the 79th Division learn that another move for their division is imminent.
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