In Sunday’s Guardian, Fred Pearce notes a benefit of “Climategate” is an increased acceptance of the need for scientists to be more upfront about uncertainties, and transparent in allowing access to raw data.
Hans G. Schantz is the Principal Scientist of Geeks and Nerds Corporation (GaN). He was co-founder and CTO of Q-Track Corporation until GaN's acquisition of Q-Track in 2019. Co-inventor of NFER indoor location technology, he has more than 40 U.S. patents to his credit. He is the author of The Art and Science of Ultrawideband Antennas, The Biographies of John Charles Fremont, and the science fiction thriller, The Hidden Truth, available free through Kindle Unlimited. The sequel, A Rambling Wreck, was a finalist for the Conservative Libertarian Fiction Alliance 2018 Book of the Year, and third in the series is The Brave and the Bold. His latest work is The Wise of Heart, an illustrated courtroom drama of biological science versus transgenderism that updates the Scopes Monkey Trial for the twenty-first century. Dr. Schantz earned his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of Texas at Austin, and explains his unique solution to wave particle duality at the Fields & Energy Substack.
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