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Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (2008) Comedy-Musical-Sci-Fi 42 min.
Dir: Joss Whedon Stars: Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, Felicia Day
Blurb: An aspiring young mad scientist with a Ph.D. in horribleness, Dr. Horrible (Harris), must overcome his arch-nemesis, Captain Hammer (Fillian), to win their mutual love interest, Penny (Day), and earn his place as a member in the Evil League of Evil.
Comments: Writer/Director Joss Whedon collaborated with his brothers Zack Whedon and Jed Whedon and actress Maurissa Tancharoen to write Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog during the writers’ strike in 2008. Produced for a budget less than $200,000, the production sparkles with witty dialogue, clever humor, and catchy tunes. Whedon’s almost Faustian drama pits quirky, yet highly stylized and appealing characters in epic conflict toward an unexpected yet inevitable denouement.