Q-Track Demonstrates NFER RTLS for Training at Tactical Conference ‘12

Q-Track’s A-Team traveled to upstate New York the other day to show off NFER RTLS for tactical training at Tactical Conference 2012. Here’s the press release:

May 01, 2012 – 
Verona, NY – Q-Track Corporation, the pioneer in Near-Field Electromagnetic Ranging, will demonstrate NFER Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) products in and around Booth 515 at Tactical Conference ‘12  today through May 3 at Turning Stone Resort in Verona, NY.

The high accuracy and low cost of  NFER RTLS products allow Q-Track’s Dosimulation™ Systems to provide unprecedented realism in simulated dosimetry and radiation worker training. Now NFER RTLS is available in products suitable for Military Operations Urban Terrain (MOUT) training or for other tactical training applications indoors, underground, or anywhere GPS is not available. NFER RTLS may be deployed as a stand-alone system in support of after-action reviews, or integrated for use in other training systems.

In a demonstration at a MOUT training range, Q-Track deployed four QT-550 Locator-Receivers to track tags to a typical accuracy of 30cm-1m within a 50m x 50m (165ft x 165ft) city block, including in and around three buildings.  A video is available below:

About Tactical Conference 2012:  Sponsored by the New York Tactical Officers Association (NYTOA) and New York Association of Hostage Negotiators, the 6th annual Tactical Training  Conference and Exposition is a culmination of what the NYTOA is all about: training, sharing  information, and networking with peers and companies who make tactical officers’ jobs safer and more effective. The program brings together an exceptional instructor cadre, conference training agenda, and vendor show. Visit http://www.nytacticalexpo.com/ for details.

About Q-Track and NFER RTLS: Q-Track, a privately held company located in Huntsville, AL, has been pioneering NFER technology since 2002. Q-Track’s NFER technology is the basis of the Dosimulation system piloted at Southern Company’s Plant Vogtle nuclear facility. RFID Journal recognized the breakthrough nature of Q-Track’s innovative NFER RTLS offering with a “Best-In-Show, Finalist,” designation for the third annual RFID Journal Awards. The Nuclear Energy Institute awarded Southern Company the 2010 Top Industry Practice (TIP) Award for Training for their use of Q-Track’s NFER RTLS-based “Dosimulation” system. Q Track’s NFER RTLS is also employed in a proximity detection system and other location awareness products. For more information, visit the company’s website at http://www.q-track.com. “NFER” “Dosimulation” and “Q-Track” are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Q-Track Corporation.