I gave a talk on what I call the Schelkunoff-Smith Chart, Energy Flow, and Small Antennas at the Huntsville Hamfest yesterday. Here’s a link to the slides.
Here’s a press release from Q-Track on my recent discovery and publication… Cross-posted at Ratburger. Hans Physicists have long been troubled by the paradoxes and contradictions of quantum mechanics. Yesterday, a possible step forward appeared in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. In a paper, “Energy velocity and […]
On Saturday, I had a great time talking about science and science fiction on Geek Gab. Here’s the video:
Fenton Wood’s Pirates of the Electromagnetic Waves is an amazing young adult techno-adventure reminiscent of Bertrand R. Brinley’s classic Mad Scientists Club (my review here). Set in an alternate universe nostalgically reminiscent of mid-century America, Wood tells the story of a boy and his young friends as they struggle to build […]
A couple of weeks ago, I traveled to the UK to attend the Logistics Research Network Conference and present some talks. One, presented at the James Clerk Maxwell Institute and Newcastle University, explained my ideas on energy in reactive fields. The kind folks at Newcastle University have posted a video […]
I’m speaking at 9:45 this morning at the 21st LRN Annual Conference and PhD Workshop, sponsored by the Logistics Institute at the Wilberforce Building on the campus of the University of Hull. My topic is “Low Frequency Real-Time Location for Logistics and Other Applications.” My slides follow:
The Communications Research Group at the University of Hull graciously invited me to speak on the subject of “Near-Field Wireless Technology.” My hosts inform me that the seminar will start with refreshments, posters and informal discussion from 2.00pm with a 2.30pm start for the main seminar. We should finish about […]
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne holds a key place in electromagnetic history. Founded in 1793, the “Lit & Phil,” or Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle, is the largest independent library in the UK outside London, housing over 160,000 books. It was at the Lit & Phil that a humble telegrapher, Oliver Heaviside, first […]
This morning, I will present a talk, Energy Flow in Reactive Fields, at Newcastle University, hosted by the Newcastle Electromagnetics Interest Group. I’m scheduled for 11am to 1pm at The Buttery, Merz Court, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Here’s the official flyer:Here are my slides: And here’s my abstract: […]
Today, I will be visiting the James Clerk Maxwell Foundation in Edinburgh. The foundation occupies the Edinburgh house on India street in which Maxwell was born in 1831. The foundation’s objectives are: To provide in the birthplace an attractive and stimulating environment for the mathematicians, scientists and engineers from all […]
One fun aspect of working in a new technology is the harder you work, the better performance gets. The performance of Q-Track’s Near-Field Electromagnetic Ranging indoor location systems just got even better. Bob DePierre and I started off in the ultrawideband (UWB) industry years ago – I designed antennas, and […]
I’m pleased to announced a special offer for ÆtherCzar readers and fans, courtesy of my publishers at Artech House.The Art and Science of Ultrawideband Antennas is now available at a 25% discount direct from the publisher: For my US readers: $103 discounted from the regular $139 price For my UK readers: […]
This morning at 11:00 am, I will present a forum in the Embassy Suites Redstone Room at the 2016 Huntsville Hamfest. I will offer some answers to the question, “What is the Near Field?” This talk explains the near field, taking waves propagating along transmission lines as a starting point. […]
I’m honored and delighted to have been invited to Newcastle University by the Newcastle Electromagnetics Interest Group to speak on “Energy Flow in Reactive Fields,” Tuesday, 6 September, 2016 from 11am to 1pm at The Buttery, Merz Court, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Here’s the official flyer: And here’s […]
He was one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century. Enrico Fermi, the Italian physicist who created the very first nuclear reactor noted: “There are several categories of scientists in the world; those of second or third rank do their best but never get very far. Then there is […]
Given a decent view of the sky, a GPS receiver can determine your latitude and longitude to a high degree of accuracy as good as a meter or so. But what if the latitude and longitude themselves are in error? That’s the problem faced by the continent of Australia. Every […]
This is an amazing video showing the creation of Lichtenberg figures burned into wood. This is very dangerous, if you’re not used to dealing with high voltage. Don’t try this at home.
This morning brings news that 5D Robotics of Carlsbad, California has acquired Huntsville-Alabama based ultrawideband (UWB) pioneer, Time Domain Corporation. Time Domain President, Rachel Reinhardt, writes: 5D has been a long-standing customer of Time Domain. We have worked closely and developed a cultural affinity and mutual respect for one another […]
Steven Dufresne at Hackaday has a great piece up on the history of the capacitor: “The history of capacitors starts in the pioneering days of electricity. I liken it to the pioneering days of aviation when you made your own planes out of wood and canvas and struggled to leap […]
The folks at Microwaves101 have been working with Bharath, a student in India, on an interactive Smith chart. They to add it permanently to Microwaves101. The temporary version is here: www.bbk005.net23.net/ Please take a look and post comments on what could be done to make this a more useful tool.
Simon Ramon (1913-2016) died June 27, in Santa Monica, California. The 103-year-old left behind a legacy of RF, intellectual, and business achievement. A pioneer in the development of microwave and radar technology, he was the “R” in TRW, a predecessor of which he co-founded in 1953. Ramo became the architect […]
In honor of Nikola Tesla’s 160th birthday, yesterday, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) put together some interesting facts about his life. Click through for more!
Implantable wireless devices that communicate by Bluetooth and deliver finely crafted electrical impulses to induce biological effects in human subjects? Cue the lightning and the maniacal laughter! It may sound like mad science, but it’s actually a cutting edge therapeutic technique with the potential to revolutionize medicine in novel ways. […]
One of my favorite antenna books is available on eBay for another week or so, at the very reasonable price of $65. Optimisation of Wire Antennas by Landstorfer and Sacher does a beautiful job showing how energy flow streamlines aid not only in understanding how antennas work, but also as […]