The Communications Research Group at the University of Hull graciously invited me to speak on the subject of “Near-Field Wireless Technology.” My hosts inform me that the seminar will start with refreshments, posters and informal discussion from 2.00pm with a 2.30pm start for the main seminar. We should finish about 3.45pm. The venue (to be confirmed) will be Lecture Theatre B in the Robert Blackburn Building at the University of Hull. My slides follow:
The Communications Research Group has research interests in UWB antennas, logistics technologies (including location systems) and Cognitive Radio Systems. The aim of the seminar is to bring together, for informal discussion, researchers and industrialists in these and related fields.

If you are interested in learning more about time domain electromagnetics and near-field or reactive energy flow, you may be interested in my book, The Art and Science of UWB Antennas. Click through for more information including an opportunity for a 25% discount.