More Reviews for A Rambling Wreck

I just wanted to pass on a couple of wonderful reviews for A Rambling Wreck. From “Neovictorian” at the Sanity in the Diamond Age Blog:

It’s fun, it’s well written, it’s just plain good science fiction and it satisfies…. After you’ve read it, buy a copy (of both volumes) for your friends and children at school! Buy copies for younger kids, too. These books show how young people should conduct themselves with honor and perseverance, and not through preaching, but through example.

Here’s another from “Photog” at Orion’s Cold Fire:

I picked up this second volume of the series without having read the first because the premise caught my fancy.  The protagonist, Peter is a college freshman at Georgia Tech who is digging up information on a shadowy organization called the Civic Circle which seems like some kind of combination of the Illuminati and villains from a Bond movie.  They murdered his parents for getting in the way of an operation being carried out to hide the Civic Circle’s involvement in an assassination campaign.  This campaign was meant to prevent the leading minds in electromagnetic field theory from discovering a secret that would give its wielder enormous power.

Now imagine that plot line embedded in a story that includes a freshman pick-up artist, social justice warriors on campus, a Chinese demigod, a 17th century nuclear energy program and a freshman trying to keep his grade point average high enough to keep his scholarship money intact.

It’s sort of like what might happen if one of Heinlein’s juvenile heroes (say Kip from Have Spacesuit Will Travel) was thrust into the modern era and was forced to use “SJWs Always Lie” as his freshman orientation guide while battling the Black Hats.

Finally, from Bookhorde:

This is really such an original series of books that it’s hard to describe it properly. Like Da Vinci Code meets Harry Potter meets Cryptonomicon by way of Michael Crichton. The author really knows his science and tech AND can spin a fantastic tale. Highly recommended.

Thank you all for the great reviews!