Modern Physics is Rotting?

Simon, posting at Classical Values offers a preview of a book Modern Physics is Rotting. The author, Prof. Johan F. Prins, has developed some interesting theories on superconductivity that are having difficulty breaking through peer review. I’m not sufficiently competent in solid sate physics to assess his scientific claims. However, his historical claims are a bit lacking. He argues that Heisenberg more or less singlehandedly “took physics back to the age of superstition.” I disagree.

Elsewhere, I’ve shown how the prevalent philosophy of the era led to quantum mechanics being interpreted in a non-causal fashion. Heisenberg was a key player, but the foundations were laid decades earlier by such physicists as Bohr, Wein, von Laue, Weyl, and others.

Unfortunately, my comment at Classical Values never saw the light of day, so I offer my thoughts here.