Welcome to my book page. As a small business owner, successful inventor, and scientist, I reduce theory to practice, I figure out and show how things work, and I apply science to solve real-world problems. I also enjoy writing books.
I appreciate fiction that shows how ordinary people with extraordinary courage and determination can change the world. That’s why I wrote my science fiction techno-thriller, The Hidden Truth.
Learn more about The Hidden Truth…
I like technical writing that engages the mind and shows the simple truths behind complex ideas. History and science intertwine with art and creativity in surprising and fascinating ways to yield remarkable technologies. That’s what The Art and Science of Ultrawideband (UWB) Antennas is all about.
Learn more about The Art and Science of Ultrawideband (UWB) Antennas…
In addition, I enjoy history about colorful characters doing heroic things – what I tried to capture in my #1 Kindle Best Seller (albeit, briefly!) The Biographies of John Charles Fremont.

Learn more about The Biographies of John Charles Fremont…
Finally, I also prepared a variety of references and resources for my favorite book, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. You’ll find a chronology and a detailed Table of Contents on my Atlas Shrugged Pages.