Energy Flow in Reactive Fields

I will be presenting a Lunch-N-Learn seminar to the Joint Communications, Antennas & Propagation, and Microwave Theory and Techniques (JCAM) Chapter of the Huntsville Section of the IEEE this Wednesday, August 19, at 11:15 am to 12:45 pm. Lunch (Chicken Tenders) will be served, courtesy of our hosts at Technology Services Corporation (TSC) in Huntsville. Register here.

My talk proposes a novel definition of near or reactive fields by reference to the electromagnetic Lagrangian and reviews basic concepts including energy velocity, energy flow, and impedance from a reactive perspective. Schelkunoff’s 1-D transmission line concept serves as a simple conceptual framework within which to understand the behavior and motion of energy in the context of opens, shorts, and other basic examples. Application of these concepts to the dipole fields reveal fundamental properties of small antennas including quality factor and gain limits. Finally, these ideas have practical applications in understanding the different behavior of electric and magnetic antennas, in determining indoor location, and elsewhere in physics.

My slides are embedded below or available from Prezi at the link.

Update: The following GIF isn’t working in my slides, so I’ll include it here:

Animimation of impulses interacting with an open and a short. Courtesy, Wikimedia; created by Steven Byrnes.
Animimation of impulses interacting with an open and a short. Courtesy, Wikimedia; created by Steven Byrnes.