I’ve been talking with some great folks about science fiction in general and my works in particular. Here’s a list of recent podcast appearances: Catholic Geeks/Declan Finn (November 27, 2016) – I discuss The Hidden Truth and other topics with host, Declan Finn. Catholic Geeks/Declan Finn (June 25, 2017) – […]
Yearly Archives: 2017
I regret being too busy to keep better track of the amazing quantity of fantastic science fiction from the last year. There’s a wealth of great material out there, though, and by selecting the works you found of particular value, you can help bring them to the attention of other […]
Microsoft Word can analyze a document for readability. You can access this feature through the menu path File> Options> Proofing> Show Readability Statistics. Then you have to suffer through a complete spelling and grammar scan of your document before you get rewarded with feedback at the end of the process. […]
I managed to get A Rambling Wreck completed in time for a launch at LibertyCon on July 1, but that left no time for blog updates. I’ve updated my website with a page dedicated to A Rambling Wreck. The initial sales have been strong, and the reviews favorable. I’ll publish […]
I’m taking a moment away from working on my draft of A Rambling Wreck to share with you the latest Amazon review of The Hidden Truth, courtesy of Steve D. Poling: If Al Gore Had Won Steve D. Poling My first impression of The Hidden Truth was how much it reminded […]
I will visit Virginia Tech on Monday March 13th to give an EM seminar on “Energy Flow in Reactive Fields” at 1:00PM in the Whittemore 654 conference room. Slides: https://prezi.com/f_2md1molwhp Abstract: Energy Flow in Reactive Fields Conventional wisdom treats radiation as a transverse kink in a field line and classifies the “near […]
As you will have noticed, I’ve suspended blogging to work on other projects. I’ve spent my blogging time scouting instead. I will be a den leader and complete my “Wood Badge” ticket in the coming year. A wise friend, vigilante author Robert Bidinotto (whose vigilante thrillers you ought to check […]