Atlas Shrugged is finally coming to the big screen sometime next year. The producers rushed the film into production with a relatively low budget at the last instant to be able to maintain their rights to the story, causing some to question the quality of the production. More from “Big […]
Yearly Archives: 2010
The proceedings of the Fifth Precision Personnel Locator (PPL) Workshop, held on the campus of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) August 2-3, 2010, are now available online. The agenda includes links to most of the presentations. A copy of Q-Track’s Firefighter Location and Rescue Equipment (FLARE) presentation (Near-Field Electromagnetic Ranging (NFER®) […]
Today 12 August, 1944, the 313th Regiment (and the rest of the 79th Division) assembled in area of La-Mele-sur-Sarthe to assist in blocking the escape of German soldiers to the east.
With tuition continuing to rise far faster than inflation, is higher education the next bubble to burst? Glenn (Instapundit) Reynolds still thinks so. And Paul Caron (TaxProf Blog) has more. What’s more, opponents of “for-profit” education continue to pillory the industry for their “shady” practices. Neil McCluskey at Cato has […]
It was such an appealing story – a hard working and attractive young lady, annoyed by her offensive boss calling her a “hot piece of ass,” gets her revenge by e-mailing a resignation letter to the entire office. This resignation letter was a bit unusual, however, taking the form of […]
Mark Papermaster, formerly Senior VP of Devices Hardware Engineering and in charge of iPhone4 hardware has left Apple. No word on whether his departure is more antenna fall-out. Here’s the Ars Technica coverage. As TechCrunch points out, “The iPhone4 Antenna Issue Won’t Die – Because Apple Won’t Let It.”
The Huntsville Times has a great write-up on Q-Track’s recent successful test of prototype Firefighter Location and Rescue Equipment (FLARE): HUNTSVILLE, AL — Q-Track, a wireless tracking technology company in Huntsville, unveiled its firefighter location system prototype last week in Worcester, Mass., where six firefighters died in a warehouse fire […]
You have no right to privacy in public places, and police can observe you to gather evidence without a warrant. But having a detective tail you everywhere you go is expensive. So why not automate the process by hiding a compact GPS tag to monitor your location? The system can […]
The march continues encountering little resistance, and by evening they had reached Rouillon. There they were ordered to assembly position in the vicinity of Les Tertres. Encountered cheering as they passed though towns. At Loue, as advanced units struggled to establish a bridgehead, a small band of patriotic Frenchmen braved […]
Our friends at CTIA confirm what I always suspected: that cell phone signals really aren’t likely to ignite gasoline. In fact, there is no documented case of a cell phone ignited gasoline fire. That myth has been thoroughly busted by the “Mythbusters” (Part1 Part2). This urban legend is also covered […]
Today, 8 August, 1944, the 313th was ordered to advance to Le Mans. They started at 0800, preceded by the 106th Cav. and the Division’s Reconnaissance troops. At first, resistance delayed progress for about 2 hours. Just before dark, the 1st Battalion moved into position near Mariel-en-Champagne. During the night […]
No Highway in the Sky (B&W) (1951) Drama 98 min. Dir: Henry Koster Stars: James Stewart, Marlene Dietrich, Glynis Johns Blurb: An eccentric scientist (Stewart) must cope with the discovery that ideas have consequences when he learns that he is flying on a plane his theories predict may crash at […]
Today 7 August, 1944, the attack resumed, information gathered during the night verified the enemy had retreated and blown the bridges, crossed the Mayenne River and cleared Laval.
From the “continuing-to-beat-a-dead horse” department, the antenna blogging world’s top story refuses to die: According to Simon Tonks, the consultant who led the testing, “Our tests indicate that the ‘death grip’ issue is real, and is worse for the Apple iPhone 4 than for other smartphones.” I summed up my […]
Today, 6 August, 1944, the 313th led the assault on Laval with the intention of capturing a bridgehead across the Mayenne River. They encountered strong opposition including artillery and mortar fire into the night.
I’ve been busy in the wake of Q-Track’s FLARE testing, so it’s about time to flush my queue of collected links. Without further ado, here are some links that may not merit a full post by themselves, but are still worth attention: A must read piece on America’s Ruling Class […]
The western end of German lines in Normandy have collapsed. Allied armor columns have broken into Brittany. The 79th and 90th Divisions control a narrow passage barely 15 miles wide at Avranches at the base of the Cotentin peninsula. Paul Farnum and the rest of the 313th Regiment were motorized […]
It was a busy couple of days at the 5th Annual Workshop “Precision Indoor Personnel Location and Tracking for Emergency Responders” at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA. Q-Track (Facebook) unveiled our FLARE (Firefighter Location and Rescue Equipment) prototype system on Monday. Yesterday we participated in a realistic fire rescue […]
Wal-Mart made a business model out of streamlining distribution networks. Now Wal-Mart is about to implement item level RFID tagging beginning with jeans (see the article from RFID Journal). Wal-Mart has had difficulty in the past implementing RFID for inventory control. Previous efforts appear to have been hamstrung by poor […]
I’m with the Q-Track team at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA today attending the 5th Annual Workshop “Precision Indoor Personnel Location and Tracking for Emergency Responders.” Q-Track will be debuting our “Firefighter Location and Rescue Equipment” concept in a presentation at 11:20am (ET). I’ll provide addditional updates as time […]
Just when I thought the dust had settled Virginia Hefferman chimes in from the New York Times about the ScienceBlogs kerfuffle and stirs things up again. Hefferman plunges into the turmoil caused by Seed Media’s quickly reversed decision to host Pepsi’s “corporate” FoodFrontiers blog in the Science Blogs network and […]
This post reviews and highlights my ten favorite posts or threads from the past month. There’s nothing like a genuine antenna controversy to brighten the day of an antenna blogger. Apple’s iPhone antenna problems and aftermath filled ÆtherCzar with material in July. The month began with “Apple Hiring Antenna Engineers.” […]
So says Shikha Dalmia in Forbes. And kudos to the hard working Anthony Watt’s whose “Watt’s Up With That?” blog just celebrated 50,000,000 hits. His mix of polite, respectful, and insightful climate blogging draws a crowd. Only 49,995,000 more to go here to match his record!
By the 1920’s direction finding was well-advanced, and DF techniques began to see everyday use in both marine and aerial navigation. [1] The Figure shows a DF array from around 1930 deployed at Croyden Aerodrome in the UK [2]. Another good example of a sophisticated and relatively simple to use […]