Up to 10,000 Air Force GPS units may have been temporarily disabled in January due to a software glitch according to a recent AP story. Hat tip: Glenn Reynolds. The incident highlights the vulnerability of the Air Force to jamming and helps explain the urgency with which the Air Force […]
Monthly Archives: June 2010
In his guest post last week, The Rise and Fall of UWB, Kai Siwiak traced the history of wireless – from the original wideband spark transmissions, to narrowband carrier signals with compact modulations, coming full circle back to spread spectrum and ultra-wideband signals. This history is correct in its description […]
Updating last week’s post on the Rise and Fall of UWB, the Huntsville Times reports that Time Domain’s new president, Adrian Jennings, is upbeat about the future. Update: a slightly reworked version is here.
Congratulations! Your patent has issued and you have a twenty year monopoly on the sale, manufacture, use, or distribution of your cool new invention, right? Not unless you pay your maintenance fees. At the current fee levels, inventors must pay: $980 ($490) due at 3.5 years after issue, $2480 ($1240) […]
The soldiers of the 79th Division learn that D-Day has finally arrived. Earlier today, 6 June, 1944, the 4th Division, a sister division to the 79th Division in VII Corps, landed on “Utah” beach more than a mile south of the originally planned location. “We’ll start the war from right […]
Bad News: 411,000 of those are temporary positions with the U.S. Census. More from Calculated Risk… and an update from Geoff at Innocent Bystander.
European researchers argue their results demonstrate that “medium to heavy” coffee drinkers receive no additional alertness from coffee – the sole benefit is avoiding headaches and withdrawal symptoms. Good thing I’m only a moderate coffee drinker – a couple of cups a day is my limit. Hopefully, that will be […]
“D-Day,” the long anticipated Allied invasion of Europe, originally scheduled for today, is postponed due to poor weather. General Eisenhower and his staff hope for better weather tomorrow. Meanwhile, Life Magazine features “The U.S. Infantry” in the cover story of its 5 June 1944 issue. On the cover of this […]
Some updates on items previously discussed or mentioned on AetherCzar: The “Froot Loops” plaintiff also had a law suit alleging false advertising. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as a “Crunch Berry,” and no real berries in the eponymous cereal. Alas, his appeal was dismissed for lack […]
What more can I say than, “Wow!”… And here’s another photo of the ISS, this time transiting the sun.
A few quick picks… Austrian physicists claim ball lighting is an optical illusion induced in the visual center of the brain by the intense magnetic fields of lightning. PatentlyO on the USPTO’s proposal to create a “slow,” “standard,” and “fast” lane for patent applications. Applicants will pay more for a […]
The Czarina has an interesting account of a run-in with attempted credit card fraud from her point-of-view as a merchant. Moral – someone who insists on a partial payment via Western Union upfront to be reimbursed via credit card is NOT your friend. And if a merchant accepts a fraudulent […]
[iframe: src=”http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=uwbantennacom-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&m=amazon&f=ifr&md=10FE9736YVPPT7A0FBG2&asins=0470859318″ frameborder=”0″ width=”120px” height=”240px” scrolling=”no”] AetherCzar is grateful to Dr. Kai Siwiak for his comment provoking guest post on ultra-wideband (UWB) technology. In thanks for his contribution, we’d like to draw our readers’ attention to Kai’s excellent introductory UWB technology text (by way of a review originally posted at […]
This article originally appeared in Atlantis Vol. 3, #1, pp. 38-42 (Feb.-Mar. 1995). Copyright © 1995-1996 Hans Schantz The purpose of this article is to debunk a myth by which the advocates of mysticism and non-objective science seek to undermine science in general and physics in particular. Proponents of this […]
On 1 June, the entire 313th Regiment moved by motor to a new location, Lype Hill, located in Somersetshire. The 79th Infantry Division shoulder patch features the Cross of Lorraine in recognition of the Division’s victory in the Lorraine Campaign of the First World War. The Cross of Lorraine was […]
Guest Post by Kai Siwiak, TimeDerivative, Inc. Unless otherwise indicated, all quotes are from: K. Siwiak and D. McKeown, UWB Radio Technology, (Wiley, 2004) We pause to reflect on the rise and fall of ultra-wideband (UWB) technology, and especially on the recent reorganization of Time Domain Corporation, a UWB pioneer […]