Today, 14 June 1944, the 79th Infantry Division and the 313th Infantry Regiment land on Utah beach, beginning about 4 p.m. The beach has been cleared of enemy opposition, however sounds of enemy shelling and bombing echo in the distance. The units start inland along the main road towards Sébeville, […]
Daily Archives: June 14, 2010
4 posts
A quick two minute satirical video to help you understand the European economic crisis: deadpan and utterly hilarious! Hat tip: Devil’s Knife.
“Static, like the poor, will always be with us,” radio engineer John Carson famously quipped in the 1920s. The crackles, pops, and hiss on the AM radio band were thought to be an inevitable part of radio technology. Then along came Edwin Howard Armstrong who invented wideband frequency modulation or […]
The Air Force launched a satellite with hyperspectral imaging capabilities this weekend, according to Popular Science. Hat Tip: Glenn Reynolds.