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This Land is Mine B&W (1943) Drama 103 min.
Dir: Jean Renoir Stars: Charles Laughton, Maureen O’Hara, Geroge Sanders, Walter Slezak, Kent Smith, Una O’Connor, Philip Merivale.
Blurb: A cowardly school teacher (Laughton) discovers there can be no bystanders when his town is occupied by Nazis.
Comments: This film is a great choice for July 4 – a remarkably well integrated moral drama about the necessity to judge and act when faced with evil – and about how evil derives its strength from the sanction of the good. Unfortunately, this film is tough to find on DVD, at least in Region 1.
External Link: Review by Yaron Brook who I credit for introducing me to the film. Regrettably, the review includes multiple plot spoilers, so I recommend waiting until after you see the film to read Yaron’s review.