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Things to Come B&W (1936) Drama 100 min.
Dir: William Cameron Menzies Stars: Raymond Massey, Edward Chapman, Ralph Richardson, Margaretta Scott.
Blurb: A secret society of engineers seeks to build a utopia in the wake of a 1940 war that leaves both England and its attackers devastated.
Comments: A glorious celebration of technical progress leading to a better world with some unfortunate socialistic premises. Raymond Massey (Wynand in The Fountainhead) delivers a powerful performance. Massey is so strong and commanding a presence that he was continually being cast in the role of a villain. It’s nice to see him as the hero for once! The special effects may not be up to modern standards, but they’re good enough not to detract from a superb story. Adapted from the novel by H.G. Wells. I haven’t seen the newly restored and colorized version yet.
UPDATE: The entire film (B&W version) is available online.