More on the Higher Education Bubble and For-Profit Education

With tuition continuing to rise far faster than inflation, is higher education the next bubble to burst? Glenn (Instapundit) Reynolds still thinks so. And Paul Caron (TaxProf Blog) has more.

What’s more, opponents of “for-profit” education continue to pillory the industry for their “shady” practices.  Neil McCluskey at Cato has a good summary.

Previously on ÆtherCzar, I described my experiences working for one of the leaders in for-profit education, ITT Technical Institute, in the post, In Defense of “For-Profit” Education.

And not that there aren’t some abuses, but foes of for-profit education sound eerily like the critics who dubbed Vanderbilt a “Robber Baron” for daring to out-compete his government subsidized competition. In my earlier post, The “Robber Barons” of Higher Education, I asked (and answered) the question how ITT Tech can make spectacular profits educating the same students with the same loan packages that public schools require government subsidy to teach.