Five years ago this week, tornadoes swept through the Huntsville, Alabama area. Today, I look back on the disaster by reposting my May 30, 2011 account of how my family, business, and community fared: “ÆtherCzar is Back, Reporting on the North Alabama Tornadoes.” I have updated the post to remove […]
So says Shikha Dalmia in Forbes. And kudos to the hard working Anthony Watt’s whose “Watt’s Up With That?” blog just celebrated 50,000,000 hits. His mix of polite, respectful, and insightful climate blogging draws a crowd. Only 49,995,000 more to go here to match his record!
In Sunday’s Guardian, Fred Pearce notes a benefit of “Climategate” is an increased acceptance of the need for scientists to be more upfront about uncertainties, and transparent in allowing access to raw data.
Writing over at Reason, Ronald Bailey highlights the recent article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science which purports to rank the merit of climate scientists based on the usual metrics of articles published and articles cited. Then those scientists’ position on the anthropological global warming (AGW) hypothesis […]
Here’s a selection of some of the most interesting features we’ve seen on the Internet this week: Physicist Frank Tipler observes that a couple of the most prominent physicists – including Einstein and Feynman – owe their success not so much to raw intelligence or “brightness,” but rather to an […]
Roy Spenser offers a climate model based on natural forcings from the the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO), and the the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) (a measure of El Nino and La Nina activity). The correlation he obtains to the post 1975 warming is truly remarkable. What […]
The mark of a really great book is that there’s a great deal to say about it. Twice now Fergus Fleming’s Barrow’s Boys: A Stirring Story of Daring, Fortitude, and Outright Lunacy has inspired posts. This will make it three, and I’m already anticipating post number four in a few […]
A few quick picks: Author Sarah Hoyt has an insightful essay on immigration posted over at Classical Values. Ronald Bailey looks at the myth of the “peer-reviewed” science in the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report at Reason. “Tiger Woods had Sex with 121 Women While Married” – Opposing Views, April 29 […]
Canadian climatologist Andrew Weaver is suing the National Post for libel based on its continuing reporting on Weaver’s climate advocacy. Ars Technica has details. Interestingly, Weaver also seeks copyright to the material in question so he can force bloggers to remove it from the internet. This will be a fascinating […]