I just had to share this remarkable optical illusion. The video shows real objects that look like square cylinders from one perspective and like circular cylinders from the other. Interested in how it works? Here’s another video revealing the secret of this clever design.
I prepared the following as an exercise in proofreading for job candidates at Q-Track. Then it got a bit out of hand. Judge for yourself. I haven’t had the heart to inflict this on any poor unsuspecting applicants, and probably never will. Thinking it unfair to hoard the fun all […]
Wellspring Farm describes themselves as “a Nonprofit Education and Retreat center, as well as, a Certified Organic Farm and CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) whose mission is to inspire and teach people to grow, prepare and eat healthy food. In so doing, we transform food systems and build community.” A Science […]
The Coalition for Obsolete Industries takes a defiant stand against progress in this remarkable video. ( H/T Amy Nasir)
When I saw this article: Bank Not Responsible for Letting Hackers Steal $300K From Customer | Threat Level | Wired.com. I couldn’t help but think of the classic “identity theft” sketch from Mitchell and Webb:
Here’s a Japanese view on the litigiousness of American society: “It’s not unusual for an elderly person like yourself to think of drying her cat in the microwave. Therefore, it’s clearly the fault of the manufacturer for not adding a proper warning.” (Hat Tip: Lowering the Bar)
A hilarious parody of science reporting from the Guardian’s Martin Robbins: This is a news website article about a scientific finding
The Ideal Scientific Equipment Company, of course! With an inventory including magnetic monopoles, frictionless planes, inertialess pulleys, and more, textbook results can finally be guaranteed for most any physics experiment.
Here’s another collection of RFID and wireless related links: VeryFieldsRFID has a good introduction and tutorial to RFID. BoingBoing presents a brief historical item on the WWI-era prohibition on amateur radio. Chris Paget’s DEF CON 17 talk on RFID Mythbusting helps dispel myths about RFID range and security: And finally […]
It was such an appealing story – a hard working and attractive young lady, annoyed by her offensive boss calling her a “hot piece of ass,” gets her revenge by e-mailing a resignation letter to the entire office. This resignation letter was a bit unusual, however, taking the form of […]
The *real* story behind Steve “Darth” Jobs and the iPhone incident, from this (Chinese?) animation (with English subtitles). The funniest aspect of this over-the-top animated “documentary” is that some of the anti-Apple ranting sounds just like this.
On April Fools’ Day this year, the fine folks at ThinkGeek introduced a new product: Canned Unicorn Meat. Despite the fact it looks suspiciously like Spam with sparkles, they dared advertise it as “The New White Meat.” That got the National Pork Board’s attention. The National Pork Board, as you […]
I’ve long wondered if the modial interaction of magneto-reluctance and capacitive directance might have practical application for energy conversion on long duration space missions. Now, an inventor claims to have actually reduced this to practice in in a conventional automotive transmission application! The inventor calls it a “Turbo Encabulator.” I […]
…and 23 other key phrases that should make you think twice before hitting the send button. See the NPR article via SpamNotes. Hat Tip: Overlawyered.
A quick two minute satirical video to help you understand the European economic crisis: deadpan and utterly hilarious! Hat tip: Devil’s Knife.
While I’m on the subject of antennaphobia, the following excerpt from R. N. Vyvyan’s Wireless Over Thirty Years (London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1933, pp. 19-20) may be of interest:
Apparently, lawyers with too much time and too few clients on hand have made a sport of suing cereal producer Kellogg for fraud. It seems Kellogg doesn’t actually include fruit in their Froot Loops. More here. Hat Tip: OverLawyered. Now that that’s been resolved, on to more important questions: Where […]
A few quick picks: Author Sarah Hoyt has an insightful essay on immigration posted over at Classical Values. Ronald Bailey looks at the myth of the “peer-reviewed” science in the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report at Reason. “Tiger Woods had Sex with 121 Women While Married” – Opposing Views, April 29 […]