The Hidden Truth – Chapter 1 Notes These notes are loaded with spoilers and further explanation for Chapter 1 of my forthcoming novel – The Hidden Truth. I suggest you read Chapter 1: The Nexus first before continuing. Ready? Let’s begin.
Hidden Truth
When two paths diverge, we must choose. One may lead to disaster. The other may lead to new vistas and novel opportunities. Having chosen, we cannot go back and see what might have been. Worse, we might not get to choose our own path, but instead experience the consequences of […]
My forthcoming novel, The Hidden Truth is the kind of science fiction techno-thriller I’ve long wanted to read, but haven’t been able to find. This first installment opens with the narrator in high school, struggling to solve a century-old mystery regarding what appears at first to be a minor discrepancy […]
Thanks for all the advice, suggestions and feedback (The Hidden Truth: Pick a Cover!). I selected cover option E modified with gray shelves and orange highlighting on the letters. One design influence was Saul Bass’s magnificent perspective approach to the promotional poster and opening titles for one of my favorite […]
If you watch this space, you’ll soon be learning more about my forthcoming science fiction thriller: The Hidden Truth. I’ll start serializing it in a few weeks. In the meantime, I’ll provide you with a teaser blurb, a more elaborate synopsis, and ask your assistance on choosing a cover. Here’s […]