Vacation threw off the schedule a bit, but here’s the somewhat belated review of the top ten posts from the past month. If you’re new around here and want to see what the ÆtherCzar blog has to offer, the best posts of each month is a good place to start. […]
The Czarina and I are on vacation this week with our two girls – her folks are looking after the boys while we’re gone. New Orleans is really quite kid friendly. I’ll do a post or two when we get back.
A number of web sites promote their ability to analyze the gender, personality, and background of blog authors. I thought I’d try them out and see what they had to say about ÆtherCzar. URL AI says is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing […]
The time has arrived once again for my monthly review of the top ten posts or threads from the past month. If you’re new around here and want to see what the ÆtherCzar blog has to offer, the best posts of each month is a good place to start. Here […]
This post reviews and highlights my ten favorite posts or threads from the past month. There’s nothing like a genuine antenna controversy to brighten the day of an antenna blogger. Apple’s iPhone antenna problems and aftermath filled ÆtherCzar with material in July. The month began with “Apple Hiring Antenna Engineers.” […]
I was wondering why none of my Amazon content was working for a while yesterday. Amazon’s still not talking, but at least I’m not the only one who noticed. Update: I got a nice note back from Bert G. at Amazon: There was a technical issue with our web site […]
This post reviews and highlights my ten most favorite posts or threads from the past month. June saw several posts revolving around the topic of ultra-wideband (UWB) RF technology. The foreclosure and reorganization of Time Domain Corporation, a pioneer in the ultra-wideband (UWB) industry, prompted a much-commented-upon guest post by […]
The AetherCzar blog debuted toward the end of April, and since then we’ve had over fifty posts ranging from short reposts of other content to full original essays and reviews on topics of interest. In celebration of AetherCzar’s first month of blogging, we present the top ten posts or threads […]
…the next few days while I work on fixing some annoying formatting and link problems: mostly links leading to “file not found.”