A few quick updates, while I recover from Wireless Wednesday on Twitter: New Scientist explains the history of complex numbers in a fascinating piece, “Putting the ‘i’ in iPods.” But since the iPod is more an accomplishment of engineering instead of physics, shouldn’t it be called the” jPod?” To learn […]
The ÆtherCzar Blog
The 313th Regiment was placed in Division reserve just northwest of Charmes, today, 15 September, 1944.
Yesterday’s post on Peter Massey’s Antenna Engineer’s Guide prompted me to think about about why I love antenna engineering. Massey is correct that antenna engineering does provide interesting and varied work, good pay, and job security. But one could say the same about many other jobs. Here’s a slightly edited […]
Today, 14 September, 1944, the 313th Regiment finally secured Poussay at 11:00. The 1st Battalion moved on to capture Mirecourt in the afternoon, while the 2nd Battalion captured Ramecourt. The 313th Reigment captured Poussay today, 14 September, 1944. Source: Hugh M. Cole, U.S. Army in WWII European Theater of Operations: […]
I recently ran across a fantastic introduction to antenna engineering as a profession. Peter Massey compiled his Antenna Engineer’s Guide with an eye to helping students evaluate on antenna engineering as a career choice. Why chose antenna engineering as a career? Here’s Dr. Massey’s analysis: Interesting varied work. In many […]
The 313th Regiment resumed its attack on Ambacourt and Poussay this morning, 13 September, 1944. The 3rd Battalion overran the town by 10:30 but was encountering such resistance that the 1st Battalion was ordered to attack from the southeast and the 2nd Battalion from the west.
A number of web sites promote their ability to analyze the gender, personality, and background of blog authors. I thought I’d try them out and see what they had to say about ÆtherCzar. URL AI says aetherczar.com is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing […]
Today, 12 September, 1944, the 79th Infantry Division is on the attack, with the 315th Regiment attcking toward Neufchateau, the 314th Regiment toward Charmes, and the 313th Regiment toward Pussay and Ambacourt. The 313th met stubborn resistance and was unable to take its objective by 22:30.
[iframe:src=”http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=uwbantennacom-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&m=amazon&f=ifr&md=10FE9736YVPPT7A0FBG2&asins=B0009X7664″ frameborder=”0″ width=”120px” height=”240px” scrolling=”no”] To Kill a Mockingbird B&W (1962) Drama 129 min. Dir: Robert Mulligan Stars: Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Philip Alford, John Megna, Brock Peters Blurb: The story of a principled lawyer, Atticus Finch (Peck), who defends an unjustly accused black man (Peters) on trial for rape […]
At 07:15 today, 11 September, 1944, the Regiment moved toward Neufchateau on foot without encountering significant resistance. At noon, they are motorized and move toward Repel. Advance units encounter some resistance but it is quickly overcome. The Regiment arrives in Oelleville (just west of Frenelle-la-Grande) and sets up the Regimental […]
The Czarina and I worked hard to select appropriate names for our children, and with both twin boys and twin girls, we had a lot of practice. Our name selection followed a few simple rules: Avoid highly popular names. Pick a top ten name and you pretty much guarantee your […]
Earlier this summer, noted technology writer Robert X. Cringely embarked on a cross-country tour to visit promising start-up companies with exciting stories. The project, sponsored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation of Kansas City, aims to help America rediscover entrepreneurship. Cringely’s tour will be the basis of a television series […]
The 79th Infantry Division halted about noon today, 9 September, 1944, for a three hour rest. At 15:00, the Division continued on the road, driving through the night.
Some wireless and RFID updates: U.S. Baby monitors cause interference in Japan. (H/T Steven J. Crowley) Two different perspectives on the history of RFID from Michael L. Davis at DefCon 17 and from SoftwareHelpOnline. I’m sorry to learn that David Schmarder is retiring. His business provided a valuable service by […]
Today, 8 September, 1944, chronic supply problems were finally overcome. The 79th Infantry Division was motorized and ordered to Reims, France. No enemy forces have been encountered-thus the Division continued on the move for 24 hours straight.
On August 11, 2010, a major wireless milestone passed largely unnoticed: the end of a tumultuous twelve year regulatory process to authorize ultra-wideband (or “UWB”) wireless systems. The FCC ordered ET Docket No. 98-153 “TERMINATED.” By dismissing the last outstanding Petitions for Reconsideration, the FCC has finally and firmly secured […]
Dennis Crouch at PatentlyO kindly shares and summarizes updated patent examination guidelines from the USPTO, as published in the Federal Register.
Here’s an interesting antenna idea: use a column of sea water as a monopole antenna: Hat Tip: Steve Werner.
The 313th Regiment and the rest of the 79th Infantry Division received orders today, 5 September, 1944 to prepare for a move. Supply problems remain critical, however, and the move may need to be postponed a few days.
[iframe:src=”http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=uwbantennacom-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&m=amazon&f=ifr&md=10FE9736YVPPT7A0FBG2&asins=B00006DEF9″ frameborder=”0″ width=”120px” height=”240px” scrolling=”no”] Singing in the Rain (1952) Musical 103 min. Dir: Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen Stars: Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O’Connor Blurb: A movie idol (Kelly) needs help from his best friend (O’Connor) and an aspiring actress (Reynolds) to survive the transition from silent to […]
The CTIA – a wireless industry trade group – has compiled an interesting collection of Fifty Wireless Facts, including: 8. At the end of 2009, the average revenue per minute in the U.S. was $0.04. Across Europe’s developed countries, the average revenue per minute was $0.16. As a result, the […]
The 313th Regiment reached an assembly area just north of the Belgian border at about 03:00 this morning. The rapid advance has created logistics problems. The Regiment is ordered to rest. A USO show is scheduled for 5 September.
High Frequency Direction Finding (HF/DF or “Huff-Duff”) played a critical role in the Second World War. Shore based DF determined the location of German U-boat packs enabling convoys to be routed around them. Ship and airborne DF in conjunction with centimetric radar enabled effective antisubmarine warfare. [1, 2] One of […]