Hidden deep within the heart of London is a humble facade on St. James’s Square leading to 17 miles of bookshelves distributed through seven conjoined buildings. The London Library was born 175 years ago. One of the world’s largest independent lending libraries, The London Library never throws away any books, […]
It’s a rite of passage for STEM majors – the lights dim and the flickering frames of the classic 1940 newsreel fill the screen. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge oscillates wildly before finally collapsing. Here’s the video: Now it turns out that the original video was modified at an incorrect frame […]
Highlights from the AetherCzar Blogroll: Book Bomb! Awful Intent by John D. Brown July 6, 2016 – Monster Hunter Nation The Miracle That Is Air Conditioning July 6, 2016 – The Arts Mechanical On our way to LibertyCon July 6, 2016 – Bayou Renaissance Man The Fix is In July […]
Dilbert cartoonist turned political commentator, Scott Adams, shares his unconventional creative wisdom in this fascinating keynote address at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. You’ll find Adams’ latest blog posts in my blog roll. And if you don’t like his talk, you probably won’t appreciate […]
I prepared the following as an exercise in proofreading for job candidates at Q-Track. Then it got a bit out of hand. Judge for yourself. I haven’t had the heart to inflict this on any poor unsuspecting applicants, and probably never will. Thinking it unfair to hoard the fun all […]
I’ve always wanted to attend a traditional Independence Day celebration, so I wrote one in to my science fiction thriller, The Hidden Truth. As you celebrate today’s holiday, kindly remember to lift bottle or glass in honor of our founding fathers, our comrades, our friends and family, and all the […]
More great links from the AetherCzar blogroll: Who Are They Fooling? June 25, 2016 – The Arts Mechanical Worries about British science are mindless fearmongering June 25, 2016 – The Reference Frame Government, Arrogant Ignorance, and the Power of Incentives June 23, 2016 – Coyote Blog BOB MCMANUS: Hiroshima, His […]
You can read my science fiction thriller, The Hidden Truth, for free when you sign up now for Kindle Unlimited through Amazon. Amazon will give you a free thirty-day trial of Kindle Unlimited. If you continue in Kindle Unlimited after your 30-day free trial, you’ll be billed $9.99. How does […]
Implantable wireless devices that communicate by Bluetooth and deliver finely crafted electrical impulses to induce biological effects in human subjects? Cue the lightning and the maniacal laughter! It may sound like mad science, but it’s actually a cutting edge therapeutic technique with the potential to revolutionize medicine in novel ways. […]
Great links from the AetherCzar Blogroll: Milo Suspended On Twitter … Again! **UPDATE** Milo Reinstated …. Again! June 17, 2016 – Breitbart What Happens If GPS Fails? June 17, 2016 – Geek Press Where’s That Trump Third Act? June 17, 2016 – Scott Adams’ Blog LIGO has announced the December […]
One of the recent five-star reviews of The Hidden Truth comes from West Lafayette, IN artist, Robert C. Tracy who characterizes the novel as a marvelous war story: There is a retired military man in Hans G. Schantz’s story. He’s Rob, the uncle of the main character. Rob says “In […]
Now, recommended by Glenn Reynolds! The Hidden Truth is a science fiction thriller about a young man who uncovers a conspiracy to rewrite the history of science and corrupt society. Set in the Knoxville area, I worked in some great local history like the shameful use of eminent domain to […]
Not that intelligence, talent, and charisma aren’t helpful, but this article does a great job focusing on the importance of “grit:” the determination to work toward your goals and not give up. The time scale may be intimidating to some: The obsession with grit derives from cutting-edge psychological research being […]
Since Chapter 8 is not available online, these will be spoiler-free notes, providing some links and additional information about topics in Chapter 8 for those who have purchased The Hidden Truth. Here’s the scan of pages 302-303 of Lodge’s Modern Views from the eBay seller. As I mentioned in a […]
This slipped by me with all the hassle of the past couple weeks, but better late than never. Here are some interesting links from the blogroll: Madness Behind the Method: The Writings of the Craziest SJWs in Academia May 14, 2016 (Breitbart) Hidden Salt Mine May 16, 2016 (Geek Press) […]
I’ve been promoting The Hidden Truth using online advertising. One venue supporting my ads is the graphic novel, Roswell, Texas, available online here, or for purchase from Amazon here. Written by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May, and illustrated by Scott Bieser and Jennifer Zach, Roswell, Texas is an […]
Tomorrow, Saturday May 28, I will be presenting “So You Want To Be An Inventor,” at ATLOSCon 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia. My previous talk, “So You Want to Be an Author,” took a holistic approach to authorship, including writing, editing, production, and marketing. My talk on inventorship focuses only on […]
I’ll be presenting a talk, “So You Want to Be an Author” at ATLOSCon 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia, tomorrow. ATLOSCon draws attendees from all over the country to share their passions and ideas with others interested in the ideas and philosophy of Ayn Rand. ATLOSCon consists of classes featuring interactive […]
The Czarina’s Baby Dipper Bowl and Feeding Set will be featured on Good Morning America’s Deals and Steals segment this morning. Experience true one-handed feeding of babies and help toddlers learn to feed themselves. Invented by a mom of two sets of twins, the Baby Dipper bowl includes a non-slip […]
The Hidden Truth is now available for pre-order on Kindle with delivery next week, Tuesday, May 31. Regular price is $3.99, however if you purchase a paperback copy through Amazon, you may get the Kindle eBook for only $0.99.
Reader Phillip Blailock offers his review: Imagine a world with President Lieberman, and a 9-11 attack even worse than we experienced. Enter the mind of a young physics high school student, who starts out receptive the notion of hypnotism. He notices that online scans of century-old Electromagnetic texts omit a […]
The Hidden Truth – Chapter 7 Notes These notes are loaded with spoilers and further explanation for Chapter 7 of my science fiction techno-thriller – The Hidden Truth. I suggest you read Chapter 7 first before continuing. Ready? Let’s begin.
Start at Chapter 1 All Hidden Truth posts The Monday morning after we got home, I caught up with Amit at Kudzu Joe’s. “You know, it would have been much easier to just talk by cell phone,” I told Amit. “You’ve got to be kidding,” Amit insisted. “They’re listening, you […]