Amazing Amazon Visualization Tool

YASIV is a visual recommendation service that helps people find the right product from Amazon’s catalog by examining the connection to related products, as determined by common purchases. A link between the two products means that they are often bought together. By simply observing the network of products one can observe the relationships between products as determined by the people who buy them.

For instance, here’s the Yasiv graph for the paperback edition of The Hidden Truth.

YasivHiddenTruthPaperbackBuyers of the paperback edition tend to buy political non-fiction.

Here’s the Yasiv graph for the Kindle edition of The Hidden Truth.

YasivHiddenTruthKindlePurchaser’s of the Kindle edition of The Hidden Truth are partial to a number of excellent Castalia House titles, including John C. Wright’s Iron Chamber of Memory (my review), Peter Grant’s Brings the Lightning, and Rod Walker’s Mutiny in Space. Interestingly enough, the largest spike in my sales came after a mention on Instapundit (thanks, Glenn!), so apparently Instapundit readers are partial to Castalia House.

YASIV was designed and developed as a hobby project by Andrei Kashcha. Look up ties to your own favorite books here: YASIV.