Next-RF Planar UWB Horn Antennas

“Standard” gain horns are the customary way to make precision measurements, but they tend to make a poor reference against which to compare antenna performance, particularly for ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas. The ideal reference antenna for use with UWB systems is a linear phase antenna with increasing gain to approximate an ideal constant aperture. Then, the time domain voltage signal at the antenna terminals approximates the time domain electromagnetic field signal. That was the design goal for the Next-RF Planar Horn Antennas. These antennas are ideal for impulse UWB, EMC, EMI, field measurements, or other technical and scientific applications. Standard SMA connector. Ships by USPS Priority Mail. Next-RF Planar UWB horn antennas are available in two models: Model 310C for 3-10GHz and Model 860A for 750MHz-6GHz.

Model 310C Antennas (1 for $500, 2 for $950 plus shipping) We ship a matched pair of these reference antennas in a sturdy engraved wooden storage case. Here’s a summary of performance:
- Size: 10cm x 10cm x 0.16cm (4in x 4in x 60mil)
- Frequency Range: Useable 2-10GHZ, Optimized for 3-6GHz
- Matching: better than 2:1 VSWR (f > 2.2GHz)
- Gain: +6dBi at 3GHz; +9dBi at 6GHz; approximately constant aperture
- Phase Response: Linear ± 20 deg
- Pattern: approximately 90deg x 90deg or narrower
This plot shows the gain versus frequency.

Model 860A Antennas (1 for $750, 2 for $1450 plus shipping) No wooden box for the matched pair, but similar performance from a three times larger version that works at about one-third the frequency.
- Size: 30cm x 30cm x 0.16cm (4in x 4in x 60mil)
- Frequency Range: 500MHz-6GHZ, Optimized for 750MHz-6GHz
- Matching: better than 2:1 VSWR (f > 750MHz)
- Gain: +9dBi at 2.4GHz; +12dBi at 6GHz; approximately constant aperture
- Phase Response: Linear ± 30 deg
- Pattern: approximately 90deg x 90deg or narrower
This plot shows the gain versus frequency.
This plot shows the matching versus frequency.
For additional information, see the technical paper, here.
For questions, or to order, contact me at hans at