50 Wireless Facts from the CTIA

The CTIA – a wireless industry trade group – has compiled an interesting collection of Fifty Wireless Facts, including:

8. At the end of 2009, the average revenue per minute in the U.S. was $0.04. Across Europe’s developed countries, the average revenue per minute was $0.16. As a result, the average wireless consumer in Europe used just 160 minutes a month compared to over 824 minutes a month for the U.S.

17. More than 630 different handsets and devices are manufactured by more than 32 companies for the U.S. market.

31. 22 states and the District of Columbia (Washington, Nebraska, Florida, New York, Rhode Island, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Texas, Maryland, Utah, South Dakota, Tennessee, Arizona, Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Dakota, California, Kentucky, Colorado and New Mexico) each have over 15% in wireless taxes, fees and surcharges.

45. In 2010, consumers are expected to spend $6.2 billion in mobile app stores worldwide to download more than 8 billion apps – 8 out of 10 of which will be free.

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