More great links from the ÆtherCzar Blogroll: Olympic Gold August 18, 2016 – Geek Press Critics of wave-particle duality are confused August 18, 2016 – The Reference Frame Trump Won the Week (Persuasion-wise) August 18, 2016 – Scott Adams’ Blog Solar, Space, and Geomagnetic Weather Part I — An Introduction […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
You can read my science fiction thriller, The Hidden Truth, and a host of other great science fiction and fantasy works for free when you sign up now for Kindle Unlimited through Amazon. Amazon will give you a free thirty-day trial of Kindle Unlimited. If you continue in Kindle Unlimited […]
I’m honored and delighted to have been invited to Newcastle University by the Newcastle Electromagnetics Interest Group to speak on “Energy Flow in Reactive Fields,” Tuesday, 6 September, 2016 from 11am to 1pm at The Buttery, Merz Court, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Here’s the official flyer: And here’s […]
Another of my favorite YouTube Channels is The Engineer Guy. Chemical engineer, Bill Hammack, is a professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He and his team produce short, remarkably informative videos on a wide range of interesting topics. Here are a few of my favorites: Bill details the […]
From the same folks who brought you the research on story shapes I discussed last month, comes a real-time readout on the Happiness of Twitter (click for daily update). Some observations are really obvious: Saturday tends yield the happiest tweets of the week. Either Tuesday or Wednesday tend to be […]
Welcome to my blog, ÆtherCzar. I’ve written a number of books, including: The science fiction techno-thriller, The Hidden Truth, A textbook, The Art and Science of Ultrawideband Antennas, and A historical study, The Biographies of John Charles Fremont. I post on a wide variety of topics, ranging from science fiction, […]
More great links from the AetherCzar Blogroll: Larry! August 11, 2016 – John C. Wright’s Journal The Physics of Peeing August 11, 2016 – GeekPress A new Maunder Minimum? August 11, 2016 – Bayou Renaissance Man Death by HR: Who Staffs HR Departments? Mostly Women… August 10, 2016 – The […]
Never start a land war in Asia. Never go in against a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line. Now I need to add another to the list: never submit a post on grammar Nazis to a subredit full of real-life grammar Nazis. I confused “capitol” for “capital” and “composed” […]
A “grammar Nazi” is someone who habitually corrects someone’s spelling or grammar to the exclusion of any other consideration. You know the type: “I suppose that declaration is OK, Tom, except it should be “unalienable rights” instead of “inalienable rights.” The original grammar Nazis were real-life, actual Nazis, and their […]
Delighted to be hosting my first Amazon Giveaway. If you follow my Amazon Author Page, you can be entered for a chance to win one of ten Kindle copies of my science fiction techno-thriller, The Hidden Truth. To enter – follow this link: Good luck! UPDATE: That went quickly! […]
He was one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century. Enrico Fermi, the Italian physicist who created the very first nuclear reactor noted: “There are several categories of scientists in the world; those of second or third rank do their best but never get very far. Then there is […]
I’m honored and gratified by the many excellent reviews for The Hidden Truth. Of 21 reviews, 18 are five-star reviews and the remaining three are four-star for an overall rating of 4.9/5. Here are the latest: This is a good read. Gives you a lot to think about …, August […]
More great links from the AetherCzar Blogroll: The Lifestyle Charity Fraud August 4, 2016 – Coyote Blog BOOK BOMB! Bob Defendi’s Death By Cliche August 4, 2016 – Monster Hunter Nation The damage inflation is doing to YOU every day August 4, 2016 – Bayou Renaissance Man The Supposed Crisis […]
Here’s a nostalgic video – the 1979 science fiction movie, Salvage 1.This was the pilot of a series that aired on ABC television. The premise? A junk yard owner and salvage expert, played by Andy Griffith, enlists the help of a former astronaut and a fuel expert to construct a […]
I’m pleased to announce I will be in the UK on a speaking tour, next month, the week of Monday 5 September through Friday 9 September. Some of the particulars remain to be worked out, but I’d like to share a rough draft of my schedule. Monday (5 September): Maxwell […]
“Lindybeige” is the nom de video of Nikolas Lloyd, whose YouTube Channel features an eclectic variety of short, engaging videos on military history and technology and a wide range of other topics. For instance, fire arrows look amazing. They feature in many dramatizations of ancient combat. Surely they were a […]
Here are the latest great links from the AetherCzar Blogroll US Shale Kicks Putin, OPEC, in Teeth August 1, 2016 – al fin next level Men beat women in self-citations August 1, 2016 – The Reference Frame The Next Cold War Is Playing Out Above Our Heads August 1, 2016 […]
Given a decent view of the sky, a GPS receiver can determine your latitude and longitude to a high degree of accuracy as good as a meter or so. But what if the latitude and longitude themselves are in error? That’s the problem faced by the continent of Australia. Every […]
This is an amazing video showing the creation of Lichtenberg figures burned into wood. This is very dangerous, if you’re not used to dealing with high voltage. Don’t try this at home.
More great links from the AetherCzar Blogroll: UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS TO COMMEMORATE 1966 SNIPER ATTACK: 50 years ago on August 1. This will be a memo… July 29, 2016 – Instapundit A Very Old War July 28, 2016 – According to Hoyt [Off Topic] Hsieh Forbes Column: ‘Single Payer’ Healthcare […]
Wednesday, actor and talk show host, Jerry Doyle, died at age 60. Perhaps best known for his iconic role as Mr. Garibaldi on the epic science fiction show, Babylon 5, Doyle had a colorful and fascinating career. Previously a corporate jet pilot and after a decade as a stockbroker on […]
Steven Dufresne at Hackaday has another great piece up on the history of the capacitor, from the spark gap days, to the present. One such practical use was in Marconi’s wireless spark-gap transmitters starting just before 1900 and into the first and second decade. The transmitters built up a high […]
There’s a new browser in town: Brave. It’s in beta release, so I downloaded it to try it out. The business model is fascinating. Brave pledges to strip malicious or tracking advertisements from the websites you browse and replace them with different ads. Participating websites would get a piece of […]