[iframe: src=”http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=uwbantennacom-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&m=amazon&f=ifr&md=10FE9736YVPPT7A0FBG2&asins=B00005V1Y0″ frameborder=”0″ width=”120px” height=”240px” scrolling=”no”] Strictly Ballroom (1992) Comedy 94 min. Dir: Baz Luhrman Stars: Paul Mercurio, Tara Morice, Bill Hunter, Pat Thompson Blurb: A creative young dancer (Mercurio) must overcome both the recalcitrance of authorities and his own fears in order to perform his innovative steps in a […]
Daily Archives: July 18, 2010
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